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Best Video File Format Used to Upload to Internet

Earlier we have a closer wait at the most common video formats and compare their different features, allow'southward get-go by defining exactly what a video format is. A video file is a specific type of file format that contains all the of import data about a video. Depending on the exact file type, this tin can include image files, audio files, menus, and fifty-fifty subtitles.


  1. Technical aspects of video formats
  2. Popular video file formats and platforms
  3. The all-time video formats: pros and cons explained
    1. MP4 video format
    2. AVI video format
    3. MKV video format
    4. MOV video format
    5. OGG video format
    6. VOB video format
    7. WMV video format
  4. Video file formats compared in a listing

Technical aspects of video formats

Video formats have a number of technical characteristics, for instance, the frame rate, color depth, moving-picture show format, and audio track. These four characteristics determine what the video will look similar to viewers and also their file size. For case, the higher the resolution and the college the frame charge per unit, the bigger the amount of data that has to be stored in the video file. Large files volition, of form, take up more space on your hd, but you can use a technique called compression to reduce the size. Notation, yet, that compressing a file will affect the video quality.


The video file format you choose volition decide not only the quality and size of the file, but also the type of device that tin can play the video. For this reason, information technology'southward commonly best to select the format that's most suited to the device the video volition ultimately be viewed on. A handy way of making videos bachelor to different platforms in unlike formats is to use deject storage.

Popular video file formats and platforms

The virtually frequently used online video platform is YouTube, although Facebook is also a very effective way of distributing video content to a large number of viewers. Both websites allow you to upload multiple videos and share them with a broad audience. Mutual video formats should be actively supported by both platforms. Indeed, yous can upload whatever of the following file types (among others):

  • MOV
  • MP4
  • AVI
  • WMF
  • FLV
  • WebM

Notwithstanding, both the size of the file and the file format will decide how long the platform takes to convert and publish your video, so it's worth thinking advisedly about which format to use. The same applies if y'all desire to upload videos to your website.

The best video formats: pros and cons explained

Outset of all, it's of import to empathize the difference between container formats and video codecs. When people talk nearly video formats, they're usually referring to the container format. The "container" is where the video, audio, and metadata is stored. Information technology makes certain that all of the information in a file tin exist retrieved. Codecs, on the other paw, are used to encode videos. In particular, this determines the type and level of compression. The most well-known video codecs are H.264, H.265, VP8, and VP9. To encode a video, yous accept to use a video editing program.

MP4 video format

MP4 has long been one of the most popular video file formats used on the spider web. Information technology offers an excellent compromise between compression and video quality. The main codecs used with MP4 are H.264 and H.265.


MP4 allows a good level of compression without compromising on image quality. I of its main advantages is that information technology allows you to easily combine several audio tracks and other elements in a single format.


The high level of compression practical by the standard codecs makes MP4 files hard to edit and produce.

AVI video format

AVI stands for Sound Video Interleave. In other words, it is a format that combines audio and video. The format is widely used, but from a technical point of view, it is at present somewhat outdated.


The key advantage of this video format is that it is very widely accepted. There are barely whatsoever browsers or video players that don't support AVI files.


The technical limitations of this file format, and above all the lack of options for working with multiple sound tracks, mean that fewer and fewer users are turning to AVI.

MKV video format

MKV is currently one of the most popular video file formats on the web. Information technology is a powerful container format that can concord audio tracks, menus, and many other functions in addition to video files.


Users choose MKV for its high-quality video files and its vast range of applications. It's true that MKV format is only uniform with one codec, just this is freely available online.


The primary drawback of this file format is that the level of pinch is low, meaning you can't create very small files.

MOV video format

The MOV video format was developed by Apple tree and was originally intended for use with QuickTime. Notwithstanding, it has long been surpassed by alternative video formats and is no longer used much online.


The format has the reward of existence like shooting fish in a barrel to implement in Apple environments and allowing for the cosmos of very pocket-size files thanks to a loftier degree of compression.


On the other hand, the powerful compression is as well a disadvantage, because it results in loss of data and paradigm quality. In other words, although you can create relatively small, compact files, the end consequence is usually disappointing.

OGG video format

I of the reasons that the OGG video file format was developed was to bring more flexibility to a market place that was largely dominated by rights holders. OGG was, therefore, ane of the first formats that could exist used in the pop Linux environment, and quickly became well established on the marketplace.


The reward of OGG lies in the fact that it is patent-free, widely accepted and is supported natively by the majority of browsers. This means that this format is a sensible choice if y'all want to add a video to your own website.


Despite its broad distribution, the OGG video format does have some disadvantages. Both Safari and Internet Explorer but partially support it for example, so your video may not be displayed properly in these browsers.

VOB video format

VOB established itself early as a standard for DVDs and is therefore mainly used for this blazon of media. It isn't suitable for online use due to a lack of licenses and its low level of compression.


The format can be read by whatever DVD player and offers a low level of compression. It tin can also contain multiple sound tracks.


This format isn't suitable for use online because you tin can't upload VOB files to the various hosting platforms or to your ain website. Too, a special codec is required to play videos in this format, and it isn't freely available.

WMV video format

The WMV format was developed by Microsoft and is still widely used today. Because this format supports Digital Rights Management (DRM), it is by and large used for video files that need to exist re-create protected.


The format is reliably handled past all of the Microsoft operating systems.


Since it is an older format, at that place is simply partial support for very large video files. In that location are likewise limitations on file size and video quality.

Video file formats compared in a list

Video format Developer Yr of release Applications Container format?
MP4 Moving Moving picture Experts Grouping 2003 Originally Apple tree, but tin now be used on many other devices as well Yep
AVI Microsoft 1992 All common video platforms and devices Yes
MKV Matroska 2003 Merely supported by a scattering of video players Yes
MOV Apple tree 1991 Used primarily on Apple devices Yes
OGG Xiph.Org Foundation 2008 Supported by lots of video platforms and players Aye
VOB DVD Forum 1997 Mainly for DVDs Yeah
WMV Microsoft 2000 For all digital media where copy protection is required No


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